17/11 The protest deadline passed on November 17, the results are final. We would like to extend our thanks to all competitors for their confidence and hope we have not disappointed that trust too much and that, despite minor problems, they have enjoyed the competition. Our acknowledgments go to all marshals for helping to organize an event that represented Czech trail-o with dignity before world-class trail competitors.
30/10 The on-line version of the first stage was published on the Solution page. Other stages are in progress.
22/10 Another link to very nice video again from Pavel Kosť can be found on the Gallery page.
20/10 Links to very nice photos from Pavel Kosť can be found on the Gallery page.
19/10 The first set of final results is published on the Results page. The 14 days period for protests against the results will be started today at midnight.
18/10 The ECTO#11 results and MČR TempO Qualification results are published.
18/10 The ECTO#11 preliminary results are published.
16/10 The Pre-race information published on the Information page.
16/10 The ECTO #11 startlist is completed. The ECTO #11 TC + TempO Qualification preliminary startlist is published.
14/10 The ECTO #11 preliminary startlist is published.
13/10 WARNING ! Due to large number of registered competitors we decided to change the TempO program: There will be only qualification (4x4 tasks) on Saturday and the final will start at 8:30 AM on Sunday (again 4x4 tasks). Sum of times is used for the total results. The 20 best placed competitors from the qualification proceed to the final; if there are less than 6 Czech competitors among them, also the next Czech competitors up to number of 6 proceed to the final.
6/10 We have completed the preliminary jury composition:
- Jana Kosťová (CZE/KVP)
- Bosse Sandström (SWE)
- Remo Madella (ITA)
4-5/10 The controllers (Tomáš Leštínský and Lucie Pelikánová for Day 1, Libor Forst for Day 2) visited the courses together with mappers (Roman Horký and Tomáš Leštínský) and course setters (Libor Forst and Tomáš Leštínský).
25/9 The Accommodation information published on the Information page.
3/9 The Event Invitation published on the Information page.
11/8 The last weekend I spent in the stage 1 terrain.
I was correcting the map and I prepared about 40 controls
to choose from with the controller.
19/2 Event web opened, registration in ORIS started.